The Windows menu lets you bring different views of your calendar, directory and to-do list to the front. There are also cleanup commands that let you quickly position windows for optimal use.
Windows can be positioned on the screen in any way you like, and the positions are saved and visibility are saved with the calendar when you use the Save command in the File menu.
The keyboard shortcuts for the Windows menu are:
‚åòY - Year
‚åò4 - Quarter
‚åòM - Month
‚åò7 - Week
‚åòD - Day
‚åòH - Hourly
‚åòE - Event
‚åò-Option-L - Listing
‚åò1 - Overdue
‚åòL - To-Do List
‚åò-Shift-L - Labels
‚åò9 - Directory
‚åò- - Clean Up Horizontal
‚åò+ - Clean Up Vertical
The Close command in the File menu can be used to close any Imaja Reminder window, without closing the calendar document. The short cut is ‚åòW.
»Clean Up Horizontal ⌘-
This command brings the Month and Day views to the front and positions them filling the screen in two horizontal panels.
»Clean Up Vertical ⌘+
This command brings the Month and Day views to the front and positions them filling the screen in two vertical panels.
»Zoom Window ⌘`
This command zooms the front window to fill the screen. If the front window already fills the screen, then it is restored to it's last smaller size.
»One Window Operation
If One Window Operation is turned on, choosing a window from the Windows menu will make that window visible and hide all other Imaja Reminder windows. This is an optional way of using Imaja Reminder that helps keep your desktop clear of the clutter of too many open windows.